Recruitment and selection: Using machine learning and psychometrics to pick the best talents

This is a recording of the symposium “Recruitment and selection: Using machine learning and psychometrics to pick the best talents” led by Dr. Jorge Sinval (William James Center for Research, ISPA-IU & Business Research Unit, Iscte, Lisbon, Portugal) held as part of the EAPA digital series 2021 on May 27th 2021.

Abstract for the Symposium: Recruitment and selection (R&S) are ubiquitous in the lives of organizations. R&S are processes of capital importance to the strategic capture and retention of talents, adding value to the human resources of any company through continuous improvement of their skill set, which benefits the organization as a whole. This happens particularly when the fit between candidate, job and organization is optimized. R&S processes have evolved and became mainly taken by digital environments. The Digital Talent Ecosystem (DTE) is an integrated web platform, aiming to digitize the IT Talent market and the interaction between its various stakeholders. Different psychometric instruments were developed or adapted to measure both attitudes (e.g. employer branding, openness towards organizational changes, intention to quit) and cognitive skills (e.g. numerical reasoning, multitasking, short-term memory). To measure some constructs (e.g. personality, emotional intelligence) situational judgment tests were developed. All the instruments were assessed in two moments in terms of their psychometric properties, both considering the classical test theory and item response theory paradigms. In this symposium, some of the DTE’s latest developments will be shared, in terms of the psychometrics’ and machine learning’s applications.

Titles and Presenters are:

(1) Behind the Curtain of HR Selection Tools: Situational Judgement tests Beatriz Regina Trigo – Iscte – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
(2) A new breed of resume Hugo Amaro – Instituto Pedro Nunes, Coimbra (Portugal), Jose Silva – Instituto Pedro Nunes, Coimbra (Portugal) Paulo Rupino – University of Coimbra (Portugal), Paulo Almeida – Neotalent, Lisbon (Portugal)
(3) AI-powered recruitment Hugo Amaro – Instituto Pedro Nunes, Coimbra (Portugal), Jose Silva – Instituto Pedro Nunes, Coimbra (Portugal), Paulo Almeida – Neotalent, Lisbon (Portugal)
(4) The wind of (digital) change Paulo Almeida – Neotalent, Lisbon (Portugal) For the full abstracts go to:… Learn more about the European Association of Psychological Assessment at: EAPA Twitter handle: @EAPA_Science

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